
Playing with Time&Space

NOMADI TRIP, Finland’05//
Whole done !
Moved by colors I flew to Finland, like winds move butterflies for love.
Landing in your forest, near by the shore of a lake I got inspired to express my inner landscapes on fabrics with a mixture of wooden pieces, glue and acrylics.
Stepping from the macro into the micro point of view, seven works came out of my heart to share it with you.

And my inner trip was:
Coming from The Whole, where all the possibilities come from, the need of Landing focused my conscience to explore where ???. Once Landed my eyes were readjusting to a sunset, for a while.
Then… looking around … the natural elements through The Seasons I felt the fusion of hot and cold becoming the FlorFusión , from there the did their own dance and the 7 colors were creating the Rainbow flower.


And Pia Repo who made possible this experience was inspired to make about 50 photos and one film of “The Whole” from a very particular point of view giving a wider perspective.

SEVEN WORKS: The whole(1). Landing (2). Landed(3). The stations(4). Flor Fusión (5). Blue flowers (6). Rainbow flower (7).

Playing with time & space “Pitsipaia” (Fin)  2008
Playing with time & space “Lipari” (Fin) 2007
Playing with time & space “Artemisa” Barcelona (Sp) 2007
Retrospectiva “ViArt” Vilanova (Sp) 2006
Playing with time & space “Mariko” (Fin) 2006